The cogs involved in running the wheels of a small business seem endless, and one of the most impactful is managing the accounting side. Getting this aspect down is critical to your small company's future success. Even if you're not an accounting wizard, you can be successful by implementing these accounting principles into your operations.

Keep Track of Receipts

In terms of filing taxes, an important accounting principle to always stay cognizant of, is keeping receipts of every expense. Some of these are classified as deductions and if you want to claim them the next time tax filing season comes around, you'll need receipts as proof of these purchases.

You don't have to keep physical copies of receipts, though. You can just scan them and then save a copy on a file to retrieve at a later date. Then when you're looking over to see what can be deducted, you'll already have a list ready to go.

Hire a Bookkeeper 

There are a lot of accounting details you have to manage, even when your business is on the smaller scale. Rather than trying to juggle everything yourself and driving yourself mad, it's just easier to hire a separate professional to keep track of your company's financials.

A bookkeeper -- in particular -- is a great professional to hire from the very beginning. They'll manage all sorts of things, such as accounts receivable, balance sheets, and expenses. Everything will be documented as it should and organized in a convenient manner. You then don't run the risk of making as many accounting errors throughout the year.

Make Sure Clients Come Through on Outstanding Balances

If you allowed clients to retain outstanding balances for a long time, then this is a slippery slope that spells trouble for your small business' future. From an accounting standpoint, take a strict policy on clients with outstanding balances.

Make sure they pay them as soon as possible. There are a lot of tactics that can help, such as sending out weekly reminders or warning clients about extra penalties if they don't pay by certain dates. You could even get collection agencies involved to escalate the matter.

Running a small business is a full-time endeavor. This is particularly true in regards to managing the accounting side. It's not impossible, though. You just need to stay focused, implement the right tactics, and hire professionals that can take the load off your company's shoulders. Learn more about business accounting services from a company like Byrd Tax and Accounting LLC today. 
