As a small business owner, you are obligated to pay taxes on your business every three months. However, the frequency at which you are expected to fill out and submit your returns and payments can catch you off guard. You may be so busy that you do not have time to sit down and file them before the deadline arrives.

Rather than risk filing and paying your taxes late, you can hire someone to do them for you. You can outsource your tax prep to an accountant and be assured that your returns will be filed well before the deadline.

Accurate Filing

When you send off your tax prep to an experienced accountant, you can have reasonable confidence that the math on your returns will be accurate. If you were to fill out your returns on your own, you could get in a hurry and make a serious mathematical error. This error can cause you to owe too much money, receive too large of a refund, or open your business up to an IRS audit.

The accountant filling out your returns will make sure the math is done correctly so you know exactly how much that you owe or are owed in a refund. The IRS has less of a reason to audit you if your returns' figures are accurate.

Timely Payments

Having an accountant handle your tax prep also lets you know exactly how much that you owe the IRS. You must pay your taxes to the penny if you want to avoid incurring fines and penalties. Your accountant can tell you exactly what your obligation is so you can write a check or arrange for a transfer to be made out of your business's bank account. You can have your taxes paid before the new quarter begins.

Filing an Extension

Finally, an accountant who works in tax prep can file for extensions if you need more time to submit your returns. The IRS may give you a three-month extension for any given quarter. However, you need your accountant to make this request several weeks before the tax filing deadline arrives. You can get an extension that lets you take more time to get your returns organized and submitted properly.

A tax prep accountant can assist you with critical tasks. He or she can fill out your quarterly returns, tell you what you owe, and file for an extension.
